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How much does shipping cost?

Shipping rates are calculated based on the United States Postal Service. Order over $75 receive free shipping.

Where can I track my order?

An email will be generated with your tracking number once your order has shipped.

What is your return & exchange policy?

Unworn, unwashed clothing must be returned with tags within 45 days to be eligible for a refund or exchange. All orders must be accompanied with an order number and receipt. Shipping fees will be deducted from the return.

When can I expect my order?

Once an order is processed, you can expect your order within:

  • 1-5 business days if shipped USPS First-Class Mail

  • 1-3 business days if shipped USPS Priority Mail

  • 1-2 business days if shipped USPS Priority Mail Express

How long does processing take?

Since this is a small operation, I ask for your patience in preparing and packaging your orders. Please allow 3 business days for your order to be processed.

How soon will I get my refund?

Refunds are issued within 7 business days of the returned items, but may take longer to reach your account.

Will you ship outside the US?

Right now, we are only taking domestic orders and cannot ship international.

How do I return or exchange items?

Fill out this form to start a return. Once the form is received and approved (please allow 3 business days), a prepaid label will be emailed to you. Shipping fees will be deducted from the return.


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